this summer my sis joined a camp for making dissert, so i asked her to take some nice pic
then i searched for some tips for taking food pic for her
well, i found something interesting
this is a blog for sandwich only, but this blogger uses scanner to scan every sandwich 
everyday he post one pic only but it attract many people to  visit his blog
maybe because when u zoom in one object or see one thing in different angle, it  become a new vision for u 
another case is "this is why you are fat"
the author take pic for high fat food....some of them look yu,,y but u truely know u will gain fat!!

i had the experience to take food pic 
my teacher always said that u should have imagination to them then food is no more just food
the food will have emotion too.
this two bloggers, they claimed that when they take pic they are in the view of porn pic
porn pic with food ~ really interesting right?

Last time, I posted news about sandwich. And today I found another interesting photographer- Carl Warner. He uses vegetables, bacon, and other foods to build Surrealism photography by food.(of course, I have to admit that I love Dali always, that’s why I like this style of art) You can enter his website to see his works.

After searching related news, I found that he is a really creative photographer.  For a long time the issue of photography vs painting have raised to make people think about the natural of art.( people usually think photo just truly copy the view) but nowadays with the advance of technology, photographer can use software such as photoshop to build a new vision. And Carl Warner chose a painstaking way, he really build the view. That’s why I like Carl Warner. In addition, after work, he has always donated the food to charity, and I think it is the way to love people, love life and love photograph. But still curious how big his grocery bill is:P and I saw one comment that” First thing that sprag to mind as I was viewing these pics though was my mother’s voice…“Dont play with your food!”I wonder if he copped the same thing as a kid and this is payback!!! Lol” haha really funny…my mom told me this too!


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